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Seminar on Scripture Engagement

Forty people, representatives of eleven small ethnic groups of Russia, gathered in Moscow on 17-18 December for the IBT seminar dedicated to Scripture Engagement. The main message and slogan of the event was: "The Bible translated into a new language should not remain on the shelf". Participants deepened their understanding of the basic principles of organising the work of Scripture Engagement through the inspiring and lively presentation of the keynote speaker. As a translator of the Bible into Uzbek, she has dedicated her life to bringing the Word of God to the people around her, taking into account their needs and requirements and responding to them in the context of their native culture, but imbued with a biblical spirit. Much of the seminar time was devoted to sharing experiences. Participants saw a new production of the Karachai Shadow Theatre, learned about the Yakut holiday of Ysyakh reinterpreted in biblical symbols, a biblical cooking workshop for children, and read fragments of the Bible in their mother tongue. There were several colourful national musical performances based on verses from the Psalms. Summing up the results of the seminar, the participants noted a very warm and friendly atmosphere, inspiration, many new ideas and a fruitful combination of theory and practice.



  •   Institute for Bible Translation
    PO Box 360
    101000 Moscow, Russia
  •   +7 (495) 956-6446
  •   +7 (495) 956-6439
  •   ibt_inform@ibt.org.ru