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IBT fall seminar: "The OT in the NT"

From 30 October to 6 November IBT and its partnering Bible translation agencies conducted a seminar for translation teams on the topic of "The Old Testament in the New Testament: Intertextuality in Translation". The seminar was attended by translation teams from 18 different projects within Russia and the CIS, while the lecturers came from various organizations in Russia (A. Desnitsky, A. Somov, V. Voinov, O. Zaprometova), the UK (S. Crisp, D. Gray), Holland (M. de Lang, L. de Regt), and Finland (M. Sivonen).

A wide range of issues related to the topic of intertextuality was presented at the seminar, all of them relevant to Bible translators in their work on the Old and New Testaments. The first part of the lectures was devoted to general topics such as "The language and style of the Old Testament in the New Testament", "The Hebrew Bible and the Septuagint", "Early Christianity in the context of Second Temple Judaism", and "The world of the Old Testament and its presence in the New Testament". More in-depth presentations followed on such topics as "Quotes from the 12 Minor Prophets in the NT", "Psalm 110 in the NT", as well as lectures that examined OT quotes in the Gospel of John, the Pauline Epistles, Hebrews, and the book of Revelation. Several lectures examined specific key terms: "The relationship between the Jewish Tora and the Greek Nomos", "OT terms related to sacrifice in the New Testament", "The translation of kurios in the NT context" and "The OT concept of glory in the Pauline Epistles". Yet others focused on methodological questions: "Biblical parallel texts and harmonization in translation" and "Developing a system of cross-references for Biblical texts".

Besides attending lectures, seminar participants were also given practical assignments that involved applying the concepts presented during the lectures to their own Bible translation work.  IBT plans to publish a collection of articles on the topic of "The OT in the NT" in 2015 or 2016.

